Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th -
AJR29Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th -
SJR28Bay View labor strike and tragedy in 1886: anniversary commemorated every May 5th and Assembly Chief Clerk to remove portrait of Governor Jeremiah Rusk from public display and hang historic photo of the iron puddlers in Bay View for set number of days -
AR29Business improvement district (BID) in City of Milwaukee: special assessments apply to percentage that is not tax-exempt or residential [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 996p, 9331 (4f)] -
AB64Common ownership interest between a brewer and Class “B” beer retailer and retail sales of intoxicating liquor on brewery premises: exception created re certain redevelopment project in City of Milwaukee -
AB262Common ownership interest between a brewer and Class “B” beer retailer and retail sales of intoxicating liquor on brewery premises: exception created re certain redevelopment project in City of Milwaukee -
SB185Determining income tax increment generated by certain TIDs in City of Milwaukee: mechanism created; neighborhood economic revitalization provision -
AB367Frank P. Zeidler Public Service award: congratulations to 2017 recipient Jesus Salas -
AJR88Frank P. Zeidler Public Service award: congratulations to 2017 recipient Reggie Jackson -
AJR86Housing authority: tax-exempt property expanded [A.Amdt.1: authority within a first class city specified] -
AB768Offender reentry demonstration project focused on noncustodial fathers in first class city established; TANF block grant moneys [Sec. 916, 924] -
AB64Offender reentry demonstration project focused on noncustodial fathers in first class city established; TANF block grant moneys [Sec. 916, 924] -
SB30Public assistance and local assistance allocations [Sec. 896, 897, 902, 903, 904-913, 918, 919; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Boys and Girls Clubs in cities of Oshkosh and Appleton added] -
AB64Rail fixed guideway system in the City of Milwaukee: authority to incur expenses limited, TID exclusion; project removed as a major transit capital improvement project [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 996h, 1224m-r, 1225g, 9331 (3t)] -
AB64Rail fixed guideway transportation system in first class city: state may not incur expenses related to; not eligible for urban mass transit operating assistance program aids; reimbursement provision -
AB107Rail fixed guideway transportation system in first class city: state may not incur expenses related to; not eligible for urban mass transit operating assistance program aids; reimbursement provision -
SB88``Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge”: bridge on the Hank Aaron State Trail in Lakeshore State Park in the City of Milwaukee designated as; contributions from interested parties provision -
AB333``Richard A. Grobschmidt Memorial Bridge”: bridge on the Hank Aaron State Trail in Lakeshore State Park in the City of Milwaukee designated as; contributions from interested parties provision -
SB99Transportation network companies: first class city is exempt from the prohibition against local regulation of -
SB181WHEDA revisions re notes and bonds, economic development programs, issuing homeownership mortgage loans to refinance existing mortgages in a first class city, and use of housing rehabilitation loan fund -
AB809WHEDA revisions re notes and bonds, economic development programs, issuing homeownership mortgage loans to refinance existing mortgages in a first class city, and use of housing rehabilitation loan fund -
SB726Wisconsin School of Urban Agriculture: identifying available land in City of Milwaukee -
AB671Wisconsin School of Urban Agriculture: identifying available land in City of Milwaukee -
SB560Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in City of Milwaukee; sunset and forfeiture provisions -
AB859Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in City of Milwaukee; sunset and forfeiture provisions -
SB707First class city board of fire and police commissioner revisions re membership, use of hearing examiner to assist with disciplinary hearings and appeals, and appeals to disciplinary actions; office of independent monitor created; veterans preference points provision; certain changes also affect other cities, villages, and towns -
AB606First class city board of fire and police commissioner revisions re membership, use of hearing examiner to assist with disciplinary hearings and appeals, and appeals to disciplinary actions; office of independent monitor created; veterans preference points provision; certain changes also affect other cities, villages, and towns -
SB512Milwaukee County high-wide route designated, permit provision -
AB261Milwaukee County high-wide route designated, permit provision [S.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
SB186Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in City of Milwaukee; sunset and forfeiture provisions -
AB859Automated speed enforcement system (ASES) and traffic control photographic system (TCPS): use allowed in City of Milwaukee; sunset and forfeiture provisions -
SB707First class city board of fire and police commissioner revisions re membership, use of hearing examiner to assist with disciplinary hearings and appeals, and appeals to disciplinary actions; office of independent monitor created; veterans preference points provision; certain changes also affect other cities, villages, and towns -
AB606First class city board of fire and police commissioner revisions re membership, use of hearing examiner to assist with disciplinary hearings and appeals, and appeals to disciplinary actions; office of independent monitor created; veterans preference points provision; certain changes also affect other cities, villages, and towns -
SB512Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program repealed and SAGE reinstated and expanded; parental choice programs (Milwaukee, Racine, and statewide), and the Special Needs Scholarship Program phased out -
AB452Achievement Gap Reduction (AGR) program repealed and SAGE reinstated and expanded; parental choice programs (Milwaukee, Racine, and statewide), and the Special Needs Scholarship Program phased out -
SB364College Possible, Inc.: Superintendent of Public Instruction to award grant to, matching provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 217g, 1468g] -
AB64Competitive bidding threshold for public works projects increased, public road and improvements donated to local government exceptions; school boards and MPS required to use competitive bidding -
AB307Competitive bidding threshold for public works projects increased, public road and improvements donated to local government exceptions; school boards and MPS required to use competitive bidding -
SB236Dates changed for publication of school and school district accountability reports and eligibility to be placed in the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program -
AB569Dates changed for publication of school and school district accountability reports and eligibility to be placed in the Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program -
SB494Families and Schools Together (FAST) program: DCF to allocate TANF moneys to certain City of Milwaukee elementary schools [Sec. 899] -
AB64Families and Schools Together (FAST) program: DCF to allocate TANF moneys to certain City of Milwaukee elementary schools [Sec. 899] -
SB30MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, and statewide parental choice program changes [Sec. 1577-1580, 1582, 1584-1591, 1595-1598, 1602, 1604-1611, 1615-1618; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1580, 1584-1591, 1595-1598, 1602, 1604-1611, 1615-1618] -
AB64MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, and statewide parental choice program changes [Sec. 1577-1580, 1582, 1584-1591, 1595-1598, 1602, 1604-1611, 1615-1618] -
SB30MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, statewide parental choice program, and Special Needs Scholarship Program changes -
AB383MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, statewide parental choice program, and Special Needs Scholarship Program changes [S.Amdt.3: financial audit provisions modified] -
SB293MPS summer school grant program [Sec. 215, 1601; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants opened up to any school district meeting certain criteria and awarded on a competitive basis, 1482j, deletes 1601] -
AB64MPS summer school grant program [Sec. 215, 1601] -
SB30Open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated (remedial legislation) [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Office of School Safety created in DOJ, school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills, mandatory reporting of threats of violence, DOJ grants for school safety, reports and penalty provisions] -
AB843Open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated (remedial legislation) -
SB718Opportunity Schools and Partnership Program creation in an eligible unified school district provisions, Superintendent of Public Instruction duties, report required, and village board procedures; DPI to contract for a reorganization of low performing school district study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 207f, g, 996w, 1463f, h, 1504k-r, w-y, 9135 (4w), 9435 (1x)] -
AB64Parental choice program: family income does not need to be verified under certain condition [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1580g, 1598at, 1602d, 9335 (4d)] -
AB64Parental choice programs: pupils may not attend and private schools may not participate in 2020-21 school year unless they attended or participated in the 2019-20 school year; Special Needs Scholarship Program sunsetted -
AB968Private schools participating in a parental choice program must have been in operation for at least two school years and maximum percentage of enrollment from the program set; exceptions provision -
AB980Pupil examination required by state or federal law, grades 3 to 12: parent or guardian may request their pupil be excused; civics test exemption -
AB304Pupil examination required by state or federal law, grades 3 to 12: parent or guardian may request their pupil be excused; civics test exemption -
SB234School performance incentive program created for MPS; DPI and DOA duties [Sec. 213, 214, 1620; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, incentive program replaced with improvement grants and eligibility expanded, accountability report provisions, 1473k, deletes 213, 1620] -
AB64School performance incentive program created for MPS; DPI and DOA duties [Sec. 213, 214, 1620] -
SB30Summary of pupil assessment examinations: school board, independent charter school operator, and opportunity school managing entity required to provide to parent or guardian on annual basis; private school participating in a parental choice program provision -
AB300Summary of pupil assessment examinations: school board, independent charter school operator, and opportunity school managing entity required to provide to parent or guardian on annual basis; private school participating in a parental choice program provision -
SB222Teacher rights and protections re certain pupil behaviors; DPI and law enforcement duties, civil liability immunity, and records and reporting provisions -
AB693Teacher rights and protections re certain pupil behaviors; DPI and law enforcement duties, civil liability immunity, and records and reporting provisions -
SB821Tuberculosis screening questionnaire required of school district employees, including MPS; practitioner duties specified -
AB382Tuberculosis screening questionnaire required of school district employees, including MPS; practitioner duties specified -
SB382Workforce training grants (Fast Forward Program): use expanded for collaborative projects, teacher training, nursing training program, internship placement, and improved workforce retention; DWD duties [Sec. 398, 399, 1397-1402, 1404, 1406, 9151 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grant to support the Building Occupational Skills for Success (BOSS) program added with report and sunset provisions, 398b, 9151 (5q), 9451 (2q)] -
AB64MMSD changes re PSC investigation of complaints against, PSC review of user and service charges, and disconnection of services to be approved by PSC in certain cases -
AB774MMSD changes re PSC investigation of complaints against, PSC review of user and service charges, and disconnection of services to be approved by PSC in certain cases -
SB697Local professional baseball park district: distribution of proceeds from special registration plates modified when district’s bonds are retired [A.Amdt.1: payments to counties changed to deposits to district maintenance and capital improvements fund] -
AB162Local professional baseball park district: distribution of proceeds from special registration plates modified when district’s bonds are retired -
SB324Local professional baseball park district: sales and use taxes sunsetted, lease provision -
SB443Milwaukee Brewers congratulated on their 2017 season -
AJR87Child protective services: counties may contract with other counties or DCF to perform these functions; Milwaukee County and independent investigation provisions -
AB290Child protective services: counties may contract with other counties or DCF to perform these functions; Milwaukee County and independent investigation provisions -
SB226Child protective services: county departments of human services and social services may contract with other county departments of DCF on behalf of populous county [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 835t, 982b, 984b, c, 9331 (6p); A.Amdt.20: further revisions] -
AB64Comptroller of populous county: duties expanded [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 981e] -
AB64County executive of populous counties and other counties: revisions re powers and duties, corporation counsel, appointees, public contracts, issuance and sale of bonds, biennial budget procedure, accounting procedures, and compensation of certain elective officials; political subdivision provision re biennial budgeting -
AB923County executive of populous counties and other counties: revisions re powers and duties, corporation counsel, appointees, public contracts, issuance and sale of bonds, biennial budget procedure, accounting procedures, and compensation of certain elective officials; political subdivision provision re biennial budgeting -
SB777County executive of populous county authority over sale or lease of county property to be consistent with county board policy and county board may only approve or reject contract negotiated by the county executive [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 980s, se, 981h, 982f, 9331 (7t)] -
AB64County officers: removal at the pleasure of the appointing authority; administrative code provision [Admin.Code DHS 5.06] [A.Amdt.3: municipal officers provisions added] -
AB636DOC to contract for a new Type 1 juvenile correctional facility in Milwaukee County -
AB468DOC to contract for a new Type 1 juvenile correctional facility in Milwaukee County -